Monday, April 20, 2015

A No-church "INNER CIRCLE" Day

I haven't gone to a church in almost 3 weeks.

Actually, I haven't gone to church due to being out of town and sick but yesterday I could have gone but I chose not to. My family needed to have a "no-church" day.
Traveling and being sick literally drained me and all I wanted was a day with my little family that was stress free.

A day where we didn't have to get up and think about what to wear, where to park, where to sit, what mood to be in and if we didn't want to talk -- we didn't have to.
A day of silence. :)

I wanted an "inner-circle" fellowship day. An "us" day.
A real Sabbath day of REST.

That's what I wanted for my family when I decided not to go...
And that's EXACTLY what God blessed me with:

We sat in our pjs and watched an AWESOME sermon.
We ate Daddy's DELICIOUS breakfast.

We then walked to the park while being kissed by the BEAUTY of nature.

My little cutie ENJOYED eating a Cutie.
Before finding a FRIENDLY froggy to freak mommy out.

And then we just played, played, played. ALL DAY :)

If you're reading this and thinking "Oh, then this proves that going to church is not necessary" SORRY  to disappoint you but that's not what this blog is about.

Hebrews 10:25 encourages Christians to fellowship together because we all have a part to play in the body of Christ.
I go out of obedience to the God I love. It's not easy but He gets me through it every time. A lot of times I leave never wanting to return but I love Jesus and believe in His promise to care for my family.
Lord, willing, I will blog one day about my journey on the days I never want to return to church. I learned a lot on those days about God's faithfulness.

Anyways, I felt led to share this day because everything that led up to this day, even me being sick, is a lesson in my journey with Jesus. I had a week of travel and a week of being sick. Sunday is our only family day together because of church. We are busy. Too busy. :(
Jesus had me right where He needed me to be in order for me to listen.

I am a Martha.

Martha in the Bible (Luke 10:40) is someone who is so busy trying to serve Jesus that she never stops long enough to LEARN from Jesus. He was trying to share Himself with her but she was too busy. That is me.
I had a pastor say to me, when I offered help, "no. I see you everywhere. You're gonna burn out". At first I was like "what?" and now I'm grateful that he was wise enough to see what I couldn't or wouldn't see. 

I love being a "Martha" because I'm a doer BUT if my "doing" is not guiding me in the direction of my INTENDED purpose for why I was born then -- I need to STOP and LISTEN for Him.

I need to be a Mary.
At least for this season in my life.

Mary in the Bible (Luke 10:39) sat at Jesus' feet to LISTEN and LEARN from Him.
People like "Mary" drive me crazy. My husband is a Mary. Which makes for a very interesting marriage.
People like Mary move slowly. They analyze to death. They might as well be Lazarus.

But I will strive to sit in my "Mary" season of life and

"Be still and know...God"


I will try (with all that's in me) not to grumble.

My Prayer:
Lord, Please help me to be still for this season and only move when You say "move". 

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